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Nonverbal Communication and Global Discourse Analysis: Report of the Application and its Results in the Context of Criminal Investigation

Comunicação Não Verbal e Análise do Discurso Geral: Relatório da Aplicação e seus Resultados no Contexto de Investigação Criminal

Mônica Azzariti, Rui Mateus Joaquim


Volume 4  -  Número 4

Received 02/07/2015; Published Online 30/09/2015

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.17063/bjfs4(4)y2015458

Idioma Inglês

Classificação do Artigo: Artigo Original



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Abstract This article consists of two analysis of an oral testimony conducted in police headquarters, of a case involving a childs murder. This case, of great repercussion in Brazil, has become a major challenge for the authorities, which led to the request of analysis involved aspects of verbal and nonverbal communication. They were performed separately by professionals from different areas. Such analysis, when confronted, brings convergent evidence, and corroborates the findings obtained by the two methods, the result indicates a reliable way of using communicative analysis in the context of statements. Finally, we intend to describe the used methodology and the theoretical resources on which professionals involved in the case are based on.

Keywords Forensic linguistics; Forensic psychology; Utterance; Discourse analysis; Nonverbal behavior

Palavras-chave Linguística forense; Psicologia forense; Depoimento; Análise do discurso; Comportamento não verbal


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